Since governments started tracking and taxing income, people have been attempting to hide income through the creative use of legal loopholes and illegal methods, including money laundering. Although it is difficult to know exactly how much money is laundered each year, the United Nations estimates that two to five percent of global GDP, or $800 billion – $2 trillion in current US dollars, is laundered around the globe each year.
In the U.S., the FBI and the Department of the Treasury leverage their expansive authority and resources to identify and combat global and domestic money laundering networks. If you have been identified as being involved in a money laundering scheme and are being investigated by federal investigators, or if you have been formally accused of participating in a money laundering operation, you could be facing serious federal charges. To level the playing field and protect your rights, you need a skilled federal defense attorney on your side as soon as possible.
Simply being targeted as part of a federal money laundering investigation can sully your professional reputation. If you are formally charged with money laundering, your freedom and your future are in jeopardy. An experienced federal defense attorney with experience handling money laundering cases can help.
As a former federal prosecuting attorney, David Haas has extensive knowledge of the tactics and strategies used to investigate and prosecute money laundering cases. That knowledge, along with the considerable resources and deep commitment of the team at Haas Law, is now used to protect and defend people facing a federal money laundering investigation or prosecution. Contact us 24/7 at Haas Law by calling 407-392-9299 or submitting the “Tell Us What Happened” form on our website.